Jian Hing Supermarket Flyers, Deals & Coupons
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Nearby Locations

  1. Jian Hing Supermarket, 678 Markham Rd, Scarborough, ON M1H 2A7, Canada
  2. Jian Hing Supermarket, 1989 Finch Avenue West, North York, ON M3N 2K2, Canada


Today I bought LUNCH at JIANG HING restaurant food court section. Server charged me extra and was very noticibly loud and rude to me but very kind and accomodating to the white customer behind me. Couldnt help but feel discriminated against. I have heard other blacks complaining in this store but First time I experienced this myself. Its Cruel Hurtful. I feel very disrespected

Jian Hing Supermarket Flyers, Deals & Coupons

Jian Hing Supermarket Flyers, Deals & Coupons

490 Jian Hing Supermarket Canada deals